I have gotten older, I find I’m less eager learn the depths of every technical solution, and have been searching for my happy place. Since my SANS studies, I have gravitated towards an area that is – from what I can see – fun as heck. That area? Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). My rookie impression is that this vast world is understaffed and under-supported, and this might be because organizations are so busy looking for operators that they don’t classify this role as mission critical. Fast forward to today: I spent a good part of the day listening into the SANS CTI Conference virtually, and I took away two things. First, there are some wicked sharp folks who have a passion in this area. Second, while I am not likely to become a full-fledged CTI professional, I sure want to learn more and incorporate what I can to help organizations see CTI’s value. This post launches my cyber threat intelligence journey.
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